Make your Susquehanna experience as unique as you are

Join a club or organization to find people who share your interests. Or attend an event that will expand your horizons.

The campus is bustling. There’s something happening every night. Not to mention countless programs, performances, lectures, concerts and bus trips all semester long.

Did we mention service opportunities?

And athletics? Go Susquehanna!

Whether you’re involved a little or a lot, your activities will define you. And forever connect you to Susquehanna.



You’ll Have A Blast At Susquehanna!

A Sneak Peek at TRAX

A night at TRAX, our on-campus, student-run entertainment venue.


The skills you gain outside of the classroom are just as valuable as the ones you learn in it. 

Running a club, being part of a sports team and performing community service can give you important skills employers seek, like leadership, teamwork, planning and problem-solving. Sell these skills to future employers by including them in your resume. 

Contact Us

Student Activities and Programs

514 University Ave.
Selinsgrove, Pa. 17870

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Degenstein Campus Center

Campus Map
